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Ready to add a stunning piece of art to your collection? Our partner site offers high-quality prints of our exclusive artworks. We know they will take good care of you!


Author: Anita Petersen

Wild Apple was thrilled to sponsor the VINS En Plein Air Festival last week. For the past couple of years we have been thrilled to sponsor the Vermont Institute of Natural Science En Plein Air Festival here in Vermont. It truly is a beautiful event bringing talented artists to our beautiful back door to paint in the remarkable beauty and diversity of the Ottauquechee River and the Connecticut Watershed.
Retailers have to be constantly on the go, revamping products and creating in-store displays that inspire. It’s not an easy job and it takes a special talent to keep creating amazing room-settings that your customers are going to love. That’s why when we saw Larson Juhl’s “Tips for Creating Effective In-Store Room Settings,” we knew we […]
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