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Ready to add a stunning piece of art to your collection? Our partner site offers high-quality prints of our exclusive artworks. We know they will take good care of you!


Your hospitality art & design partner

Our expertly curated hospitality art collections offer a blend of sophistication, creativity, and style, tailored to elevate the ambiance of hotels, resorts, restaurants, and more. Whether you’re seeking modern elegance or timeless charm, our diverse range of art pieces ensures you find the perfect match for your unique vision. Explore our art catalogue and see how Wild Apple can transform your establishment into a visual masterpiece.



Our Hospitality art collections will help you create stunning hotel spaces.

With thousands of top-selling and trend-forward styles and subjects, we can help you find the perfect hospitality art piece for any project.

Every day we are dedicated to making the world more beautiful with art. Inspired by creativity, interior design, and the latest looks in home decor, our collections of art are designed to inspire guests and create welcoming spaces.



Let us help you find hospitality art that promotes healing

When people and families are in distress, art can be a visual sense of calm in a storm.

We want to help you create beautiful spaces with art.

Whether you are designing a medical center, hospital or medical building, our team of art experts will help you find the perfect art to create a calming and healing space. 


Get exclusive access to our art library, digital files and print-on-demand services.

Our design teams and artists are among the best in the industry for creating hospitality art in a variety of styles. 

Working with over 80 artists from around the world, you will gain access to over 250 new pieces of art each month. With your exclusive online access, you can browse over 40,000 images, all available in multiple sizes and ready-to-print on demand.

Working directly with artists means we have the publishing rights to all of our images. That results in

  • shorter lead times
  • unparalleled quality and
  • access to art files created with leading-edge technology. 



You have options.
Get the art you want the way you want it:

We want to make working with us the best part of your day. 

Whether you want to browse our collections online, or need some help sourcing the perfect piece, we’ve got the tools and you need to make looking for art easier than ever before. 

  • Print on Demand: Our Print on Demand program allows us to print any image on canvas, fine art paper or quality poster paper, including oversize images. Ask us about our minimum orders and how we can get you your order to meet your deadlines. 
  • Licensing: Need to print the image on wood? Glass? Acrylic? Have your own printing capabilities? You can license our images and print what you need for your projects.
  • Regional and Custom Art: Looking for something specific to your location or region? Need one of our pieces cropped or re-colored? Let’s talk. 

Get exclusive access to hospitality art collections

  • Easily search over 40,000 pieces of art
  • Make portfolios that you can save share with clients and colleagues
  • Short lead time? No problem. We can do that. 
  • Superior quality digital and printed files

You have so many options

  • Print on Demand on fine art paper, poster paper or unwrapped canvas
  • License images to create something unique
  • Ask us about customization like color changes, cropping and re-sizing
  • Looking for something specific or unique? Just ask. 


Let’s get to know each other. 

Apply for an account today and get started looking for art. Our team will review your application and get back to you with any questions. We’re looking forward to working with you. 

Curated Collections • Top-Selling Artists • Trend-Forward Designs

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