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Ready to add a stunning piece of art to your collection? Our partner site offers high-quality prints of our exclusive artworks. We know they will take good care of you!



We want to help you spread kindness.

Fill out the form and we will mail your contact an art note, for free, to show them that you think they are capable of amazing things!


Random Acts of Kindness Guidelines and Details:

  • All we ask is that you help us spread kindness. You will not added to any list. We will not send you any follow-up newsletters or other communication.
  • There is no cost. 
  • Our goal is to send 100 notes by February 19, 2018
  • Once our goal is reached, the form will be shut down but don’t worry!
  • Stay in touch on Facebook and Instagram for your next chance to send an art note to someone who needs a kindness boost!
  • We are sending notes in North America (Canada and the USA) only at this time.
  • Your information stays private always. We will never share or sell the information you send us in the form. 
  • Any questions or concerns? Email [email protected]

For more information on Random Acts of Kindness, and how you can get involved and become a RAKTAVIST visit www.randomactsofkindness.org

  • Your Information:

  • Information of the person you want to send a Random Act of Kindness Note to:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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